Course curriculum

    1. Safety First!

    2. An important notice

    3. What should I expect?

    4. Start thinking about a coaching partner for you to practice with

    5. Identifying coachable Individuals

    6. Review: Quick Application Tip: What if a client refuses to admit they are experiencing resistance?

    7. Review: Assessing Vulnerability

    8. Slides

    9. Inviting a certification practice partner

    10. Practicum (Part 3) curriculum

    11. PDF: Getting started - guiding principles

    1. What to share with your client initially

    2. How to introduce the process to your client?

    3. Introducing process to client

    4. The process in a bit more detail (more for you as a map, a bit much for sharing with client )

    5. Take a moment to integrate

    1. First Stage: Unlearning Goals

    2. Review: Goal setting - Three Types of Goals

    3. Review: Video: Unlearning goals and Neuro-based assessments

    4. Review: Quick Application tip: Defining goals that are true to our client's core

    5. Review: Additional Resources that May Help with Goal-Setting (optional)

    1. Simple for the client, A LOT to track for you

    2. Step-by-step chart for coachable individuals

    3. Introducing the Goal-Setting stage to clients

    4. Review: Potential Explicit Questions to Support Identifying Unlearning goals

    5. Guiding principles for Identifying Unlearning Goals

    6. Goal-setting technique: Unlearning Goals as root causes

    7. Review: Goal setting technique - Ask questions to identify conflicting motivations for Unlearning Goals

    8. Review: Quick Application Tip: The contribution of the Immunity to Change Model to defining Unlearning Goals?

    9. Review: Goal setting technique - Implicit techniques for exploring Unlearning Goals

    10. Neuroscience-based techniques for uncovering Unlearning Goals

    11. Review: Quick Application Tip: How can we talk to the right part of the brain when defining Unlearning Goals?

    12. Traps to Avoid During the Goal-Setting Process

    13. If clients find it very difficult to define meaningful Unlearning goals

    14. Defining Unlearning Goals - Combining compassion and detachment from outcome

    15. Goal-setting and setting up expectations for Unlearning vs. Client's experience in Therapy

    16. Slides

    17. Review: How will You Know You Have "Reached" Unlearning Goals?

    18. Review: Quick Application Tip: How to distinguish a behavioral goal from an Unlearning goal?

    19. Goal-setting practice

    20. Take a moment to integrate

    1. Review: Video: Receptiveness family

    2. Review: Seeing Reality Family

    3. Review: KindExcellence Family

    4. Review: Optimization Family

    5. Review: Analysis Family

    6. Review: Synthesis Family

    7. Review: SVA Family

    8. Review: Mentoring Family

    1. Slides

    2. Review CRS when you need them

    3. Top 27 Change-Readiness Skills - Explicit Definitions

    4. An intuitive sense of the 8 families

    5. Review: Change-Readiness Skills - Introduction to the 8 families and examples of 16 most common sub skills

    6. Story Bank (most common CRS)

    7. Review: Quick Application Tip: How do we recognize the need for greater Vertical or Bilateral Integration?

    8. Take a moment to integrate

About this course

  • $6,750.00
  • 151 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content